What was your favorite memory from your time abroad?
I went surfing one weekend at a beach about an hour away from Taipei. I was invited by Taiwanese friends and it was the first time I ever surfed, so it was fun practicing my Chinese and doing something new.
How do you think the intersections of your identities and values impacted your study abroad experience?
As a gay man, I think living in Taiwan was a very positive experience for me, as Taiwan as a very large Gay community, and it is the only country in Asia that has legalized gay marriage. I was able to meet other people in the LGBTQ community because of this and this connection with others helped me make a lot of friends. I think other LGBTQ students need to be aware about the status of LGBTQ in the country they are studying abroad in. As an LGBTQ individual I feel studying abroad in a country where LGBTQ [people are] more accepted will be a more positive experience.
What goals did you achieve while abroad?
My number one goal in Taiwan was to make Taiwanese friends and practice Chinese with them so I could improve beyond the classes I was taking. I definitely achieved this goal and now have many friends that I can practice Chinese with and visit when I come back to Taiwan.
What advice would you like to give future study abroad students?
Make local friends, practice the language of where you are studying, go out to eat as much as possible, don’t be afraid to do things alone, apply for as many scholarships as possible.
What do you wish you knew before studying abroad?
Your time abroad will fly by so if you have the opportunity to try something new, do it.