How did you choose your program?
I chose to study healthcare and wellness tourism in Barcelona, Spain to gain a new perspective on public health administration. I am very concerned about the inequities that persist within the US healthcare system. I believe that many adjustments need to be made to ensure that quality health care is accessible to groups from all socioeconomic backgrounds. Since Spain has adopted a universal healthcare system, I thought it would be a great place to study more accessible approaches in practice.
What were you most excited about before your program?
Prior to this experience, I was very excited to travel to a European country. Since I was a young girl, I have dreamed about traveling abroad. I never thought that I would get the opportunity to travel so soon. Traveling abroad is truly a luxury that most people in my family have never gotten to experience. I am blessed to be given the chance to see the world at such a young age. I was a little nervous about being away from my friends and family, but I knew separation would put me in the best position to grow as an individual. I was excited to see how I could adapt to foreign settings while still maintaining a strong sense of self.
What was your favorite part of your experience?
I really enjoyed traveling to healthcare centers in Barcelona. I had the opportunity to interact with physicians and public health administrators to gain perspective on their daily schedules and the challenges they face. I was also able to inquire about their perception of and suggestions for the U.S. healthcare system. Outside of the program, I really enjoyed traveling to the La Sagrada Familia. I was stunned by the symbolism and amount of detail included in the architecture..
What is one goal you accomplished while abroad?
As a student interested in entering the healthcare field, it was beneficial for me to see different approaches to healthcare and wellness. This experience has deepened my understanding of health care and how it can be used to address wellness and quality of life.
What advice would you give to future study abroad students?
Keep an open mind and value adaptability! Do not expect situations or ideas to align with what you've always known. It is highly likely that you will be put in uncomfortable situations or become homesick at some point. Accept this and do what you can to prepare yourself. Prior to arriving, research social norms and customs to aid your awareness. Consider which areas are safest for you to explore as [a] student. I also suggest setting a budget beforehand and sticking to it. It is very easy to overspend in the excitement of being in a new place. Make sure you are being financially responsible.