How did you decide which country/program to study abroad in?
I decided to study in France because I have been studying the French language since high school and knew immersion into the language and culture was the best way to improve my language skills.
What were you excited about and/or nervous about before your program?
Before the program I was most nervous about meeting my host family but as I met them my nerves went away. I was most excited to explore Paris and visit many museums.
What was your favorite place that you traveled to or an activity you did while abroad?
While abroad I was able to see a ballerina performance outside of l'Opéra Ganier that was called "Retour à la caverne". This show was spectacular, artist JR put on this performance for one night only on the outside of the opera house for free. There were around 100 ballerinas dancing and music from musician Thomas Bangalter who is a member of Daft Punk. Seeing this performance was one of the most memorable nights I had in Paris.
How do you think the intersections of your identities and values impacted your study abroad experience? Do you have any tips to share with future study abroad students?
As a Canadian-American I believe my international identity impacted how I navigated cross cultural relations with my host family and how I explored France. I also don't hold strong religious values unlike my host family which impacted my experience abroad compared to students who lived in apartments. Tips I would give to future students would be to be open, open to learn, and open to experience and dive into new things.
What advice would you like to give to future study abroad students?
I would tell future study abroad students to persevere through the tough, questioning times and to try their hardest to soak up the moments in their host city. Although there are lows while abroad, you will look back on the experience and those times in such a positive manner and recognize after how much you grew throughout the experience.