How did you decide which country/program to study abroad in?
I have Irish heritage and I knew that Ireland would be a beautiful place for me to learn more about my family. I had always loved the beautiful landscape and landmarks the country has to offer.
What was your favorite place that you traveled to or an activity you did while abroad?
I loved having the opportunity to be taught how to play Gaelic games! I am super competitive and love sports back at home so it was great to feel that sort of connection. I ended up loving hurling and thought it was super fun.
Could you articulate one personal/professional/academic goal you achieved while abroad?
I wanted to really challenge myself academically to immerse myself fulling in the course and cut out outside distractions as much as possible. I would say I achieved this. While studying in America I find myself worried so much about my other responsibilities such as work and my social life that I tend to rush through my school work to have time for everything. While abroad I made learning my priority and I found it to have so much more of an impact than any class before.
What advice would you like to give to future study abroad students?
Live in the moment as much as you can! It can be hard to put down the phone because you want to be sure to document every little thing. Remind yourself to soak up the scenery and reflect often on how your trip is impacting you and the things you are learning about other cultures.
What do you wish you knew before you studied abroad?
As much as you think you need to squeeze your whole life into a suitcase, you won't need half of the stuff! Pack light and don't stress about not having what you need, there are plenty of resources elsewhere.