How did you decide which country/program to study abroad in?
The first study abroad program I did this summer was a part of my Ernie Pyle Scholar's Program. I decided to go on the trip because I knew that an internship in London would be invaluable experience. For the program in Alcala, I was looking for a summer program in a Spanish speaking country after the Honors Summer in London program was over and the program in Alcala fit perfectly!
What were you excited about and/or nervous about before your program?
I was super excited about getting to start my first internship and getting the experience of living in another country for an extended period. I was also really excited to immerse myself in a Spanish speaking country and get the chance to perfect my Spanish speaking abilities.
Could you articulate one personal/professional/academic goal you achieved while abroad?
In London, I grew my self confidence in the workplace immensely. Going into the internship, I wasn't sure if I would be good at what I did or if I would be successful at what I do. However, I was given a lot of responsibility at work and I achieved all of my company's goals and was able to see the concepts I learned in the classroom applied to the work place.
to be had and you should be open to all of them to maximize your experience!
What do you wish you knew bWorkefore you studied abroad?
I wish I knew about the workplace differences between England and the USA. For instance, in London, my office was mostly silent and people would instant message each other instead of speaking despite all of us being in the same space. Once I got adjusted it was fine, but I wish I had understood the other differences before.