How did you decide which country/program to study abroad in?
I decided by looking at each program, I knew I wanted to do an IU program and Madrid-IU was a great option. After discussing with advisor Sam Hudson, I realized the pace of the program and classes offered was a great fit for my academic requirements I needed to fulfill. The program appeared challenging, but didn't feel impossible, something that would push me out of my comfort zone.
What were you excited about and/or nervous about before your program?
I was excited to study in a new country and meet lots of new people. I was also excited to use my Spanish more and see how it progressed. I was most nervous that my Spanish wouldn't be good enough and that I would fall behind in my studies. I was also nervous to navigate a huge city, since I am originally from a town of 1500 people.
What was your favorite place that you traveled to or an activity you did while abroad?
My favorite place I traveled to outside of Spain was Paris. However, my favorite activity was actually volunteering in Madrid. It was nice to see a more rural part of Madrid while also learning the history of the landscape.
How do you think the intersections of your identities and values impacted your study abroad experience? Do you have any tips to share with future study abroad students?
I feel like part of my ethnic identity being outside of a western culture prepared me for culture shocks and how to adapt to them while abroad. I also feel like my value of education impacted how I viewed Madrid, it was so awesome to see historical sites I had previously learned about. My tips would be to appreciate your home base city, meet the people, support local businesses, see the non-touristy parts, it's not just a "home base" but a city with lots to appreciate. While it's scary to be abroad, it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
What advice would you like to give to future study abroad students?
Be present in this experience, it's hard sometimes but for the most part it's amazing. Set goals for yourself for what you want to do and see, but also know what you want to get from this experience. Put yourself out there even if it's scary; you are always capable of more than you think.