How did you decide which country/program to study abroad in?
This was not only the program, directly through the theatre department, but it also made the most sense logistically with my scheduling and stuff involving my degree program!
What were you excited about and/or nervous about before your program?
I was excited to see all of the amazing types of theatre involved with England and get to experience a different country. I was definitely nervous about the food because I am pretty picky and also navigating such a big city that functions so differently.
What was your favorite place that you traveled to or an activity you did while abroad?
My favorite activity was when we went to Hampton Court Palace! It was so beautiful and so big, I could've walked around that castle for hours. The art and architecture were stunning and the amount of history was astounding! It also helped that the weather was beautiful as well.
How do you think the intersections of your identities and values impacted your study abroad experience? Do you have any tips to share with future study abroad students?
I think it made me more conscious of the differing cultures and types of people around me. As a minority, I just did some research on the areas we would visit and I ensured I stayed with a group of people at most times just for safety's sake. Get to know your areas in a group setting first and then branch out as you please!
Could you articulate one personal/professional/academic goal you achieved while abroad?
One thing I achieved while in London is networking and gathering in regard to the theatre industry there! I met so many actors and got to talk to them about their experience working on the West End. I also SAW so much theatre and it varies greatly from the theatre in the US, so getting to see the things they accomplish there was such a treat.
What advice would you like to give to future study abroad students?
Keep an open mind and pack light! You will come back with more than you think!