How did you decide which country/program to study abroad in?
I wanted to study abroad in a place that was not far from the city, nice community, small college and according to those factors Canterbury(England) fit the description and I loved it.
What were you excited about and/or nervous about before your program?
I was excited to finally be on my own and have a little independence but at the same time I was scared to be on my own. This program is very different from the others. You are on your own but you can always ask for help and you get to create your own memories, make your own plans at your own pace. All worked out in the end and my fear reduced as time went on.
What was your favorite place that you traveled to or an activity you did while abroad?
My favorite place I traveled to would be Barcelona. Although it was a short trip, I loved how kind the people were, how excited and fun people were. I had so much fun there and would love to go back any day!! One activity that I did here at the university of Kent was chocolate tasting, it was my first time doing something like this and I had fun and we played a competitive kahoot game in the end to win prizes where I won second place.
Could you articulate one personal/professional/academic goal you achieved while abroad?
I would say a personal goal I achieved is that I had a fear of being alone, this was my first time living in a dorm by myself and being away from family and friends. I overcame that fear by going out, meeting new people and traveling. At first it was scary but I can't believe that I made it through!! If I can do it, anyone can!
What advice would you like to give to future study abroad students?
Don't be afraid to ask questions to the program advisors! I know I wasn't, I can't even count the amount of emails I sent to them. Don't be afraid to email former students who studied abroad for advice or questions anytime! Go out and travel whenever you can!! Show up to your classes!! Do your work!! You're not alone. Make friends and travel with them, if not then go by yourself! Speak to your family!!