How did you decide which country/program to study abroad in?
I decided to study in Copenhagen, Denmark because it aligned with my values and offered classes that would satisfy my major requirements
What were you excited about and/or nervous about before your program?
I was nervous about finding my way around and how difficult the classes would be. I was excited about making new friends and exploring a brand new country.
What was your favorite place that you traveled to or an activity you did while abroad?
My favorite place that I traveled to was Bergen, Norway. It was beautiful and seeing the fjords was incredible.
How do you think the intersections of your identities and values impacted your study abroad experience? Do you have any tips to share with future study abroad students?
I think the intersections of my identities and values impacted my study abroad experience because of the certain values Copenhagen held. I think that it made me connect better and faster to the country while being there for a short amount of time.
Could you articulate one personal/professional/academic goal you achieved while abroad?
One personal goal I achieved while abroad was doing activities that I never would have done if I was not abroad. For example, I learned that it was okay to take a break and be alone.
What advice would you like to give to future study abroad students?
Advice that I would give to future study abroad students is to meet as many new people as you can. There will be so many other students in the same position as you and all you can do is help eachother out.